Andakulova Gallery is hosting a new exhibition, Arcadian Dreams, of the works of the talented artist Timur D’Vatz. The show will be on display at the gallery from May 10, 2024 to September 10, 2024.
Arcadia is a mountainous region of the central Peloponnese of ancient Greece. The secluded pastoral character of Arcadian life is represented as a paradise in Greek poetry and literature, and refers to a vision of harmony with nature – a Garden of Eden.
‘Arcadian Dreams’, the title of this exhibition, refers to the dawn of an early mythology, located in the cradle of a primeval forest, manifested through magical flora and fantastic beasts. There are starry skies and gleaming comets guiding both travelers and wild animals to the source of life, which appears in the form of a Fountain or a Magical Flower. This is the focal point from where life and knowledge originate.
The graceful sculptures of lost antiquity allegorically remind us of bygone dreams and visions. Arcadia became a forgotten paradise and a dream-like state of mind, which can be re-awakened by our spiritual journey and the power of our imagination. It inspires a beautiful quest, with spiritual self-discovery as the reward.
Timur D’Vatz’s artworks are always infused with deep meaning and a diversity of symbols. You may devote hours looking at them, discovering new aspects and fascinating stories. They are unique, sometimes mystical, wrapped in a mystery you will desire to understand and clarify. They evoke a sense of absorption in another world, as well as immersion inside oneself to one’s spiritual origins and interaction with the cosmic, creative force.
The artist explores pictorial space with stylishly constructed mis-en-scenes. His art offers a modern day take on ancient legends and re-appropriated symbols sourced from, among other things, early Byzantine art and medieval tapestries. Timur’s elongated figures and symbolic details form a Baroque collage of ancient myths and legends.
Perhaps the most compelling aspect of his works is the way in which his art is inextricably linked to the world of textiles; for example, he excels at presenting the rich fabrics of Chinese silk printing, influenced by the intricate patterns of the Nabis School. His shapes and patterns take on a life of their own, lending a lyrical harmony to the compositions. The insistent flatness of the image, moreover, renders the elongated figures of his protagonists – the hunters, hounds and falcons – inseparable from their environment, who seem not so much to inhabit the space as to merge with it.
Timur D’Vatz currently spends time between his studios in Normandy and London. Though he has moved from the Uzbekistan region, he still expresses the soul of the Silk Road in his life and work. He is a part of the journey: a timeless traveler who weaves his magic on an eternal Byzantine Tapestry.
Andakulova Gallery is a Dubai-based contemporary art- gallery representing Central Asian Art in the Middle East. Founded in 2012, the gallery is well-known among local and international professional art collectors and experts. It is dedicated to promoting art and design practice, creative experimentation, and cross-cultural communication as a unique platform for contemporary artists from Central Asia to exhibit their artworks in various media.